
Student of the Week: Inspired by a curiosity for science


Dezarae Barrera’s favorite part of science is being able to discover new things through experiments in her fifth grade class. In her latest project at Milam Elementary, she learned about the different types of biomes around the world by creating her own biome out of a shoebox.

“A month ago we worked on biomes to learn about how animals react to their environment,” said Dezirae. “We learned about the rainforest, and the desert. We built the biomes and we put them on display in the library.”

She hopes to one day become a science teacher so that she can talk to students about subjects like the lunar phases and the oxygen cycle.

“I want to be a science teacher when I grow up; I like that we can learn about the Earth and how it was made,” said Dezarae. “I like to watch shows about earth, the rainforest, and animals on the Discovery Channel.”

Sharing her love for science with fellow students, Dezarae enjoys staying after school to help out at Milam’s homework corner, an area in which students can get extra help with their homework assignments. She is happy to have the opportunity to help other students as she has benefited from tutoring as well.

“Last year, Mr. Longoria helped me bring my grades up in Math,” said Dezarae. “I would stay after school with him and he would help tutor me. I’ve become better at understanding math since he helped me.”

By assisting students with their homework, she also has the chance to brush up on her own writing skills for her UIL Writing competition, in which she will be asked to read a prompt and writing a timed essay.

Though she has celebrated many successes at Milam, her proudest moment came when she was named student council president earlier this year. She hopes to be able to raise enough money in her last year at the campus to enhance the cafeteria for future Milam students.

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