TEAM 1 graduates celebrated their year of learning on June 4th at the Harlingen Country Club. This distinguished group of graduates has been part of a cadre comprised of current HCISD administrators who aspire to become campus principals or central office administrators.
The focus of their last meeting was for graduates to place themselves in the seat of a new principal and to prepare a sample entry plan that could be shared with campus stakeholders. The entry plan was to encompass as many components of the campus as possible and to create a vision of what their newly assigned campus would become. While this entry plan was created as a hypothetical, the graduates had the opportunity to reflect on their leadership and to create a tool that will ensure a positive legacy of leadership.
The entry plan is the culminating activity for our TEAM 1 graduates. In the months leading up to graduation, TEAM 1 members had the opportunity to shadow current principals or central office administrators, to participate in mock interviews and to hear from members of the Superintendent Staff about effective leadership. TEAM 1 graduates have dedicated a lot of their time to TEAM 1 and we congratulate each of them.