Christina Banda, fifth grade student at Lee Means Elementary, is the driving force behind her student council organization. This school year she was named president of her group.
Since she took the helm of leadership, she has been involved with service projects that benefit the community, worked on increasing the campus student council budget, and has lead the charge with fundraising.
Last month, Christina and the members of student council made donations to buy food baskets for the Harlingen Fire Department, as they had to work through the Thanksgiving holiday. She is currently leading her student council in collecting donations for the Humane Society of Harlingen and is looking forward to their next fundraiser in January.
“This Christmas we are collecting donations for the Humane Society of Harlingen. We put boxes out in the hallways and the classrooms so that everyone can donate items to the Humane Society,” said Christina. “We will be joining the fight against blood cancer in January with Pasta for Pennies fundraiser.”
She also helps organize Friday attendance celebrations and school wide functions. Christina helps her principal host the PAWS (Perfect Attendance Winners) celebration to motivate students to at school all week. At the end of the week, if everyone in a class has had perfect attendance the whole week, the class receives recognition and a small prize.
Taking great pride in her school and motivating her fellow classmates, she is thankful to be part of the student body leadership.
“I’m glad to be part of student council,” said Christina. “It’s fun, and I get to do things that I wouldn’t have been involved in otherwise. But I’m most proud of my campus. We really pull together in time of need to help each other out and do a nice things for each other.”
She strives to keep her grades up in hopes to one day be able to attend the Harlingen School of Health Professions just like her older brother.