On one side of the gym elementary students programmed the DASH robot to play soccer, while on the other side, middle school students took apart a computer to rebuild it.
HCISD’s Library Services and Technology Leaders hosted a coding and technology camp for elementary and middle school students from grades 4-8 from June 26-30.
The camp consisted of a six-station set up in the Gutierrez Middle School gymnasium where students had the opportunity to explore various activities. Students were able to experience virtual reality, acquire tech skills, learn coding, program drones, and become troubleshoot ready.
“I am thinking about becoming a computer technician and this camp makes me feel accomplished,” eighth-grader Christopher Castillo said. “At the computer station, we are learning how to build and rebuild a computer. We are figuring out why the computer is not working. A couple of other stations are showing us how to program robots and virtual reality goggles. I think the robots are the coolest part about this camp because you get to interact with them and you learn how to make them do whatever you want them to.”
Other stations consisted of learning about code programs through Raspberry Pie–a tiny computer, programming and maneuvering the Parrot Drones through obstacle courses, and creating a table-top trail of code for small Ozobot robots to follow.
The camp allowed for students to build on their knowledge by practicing with premade code on the first day, then later they learned to work independently. The various stations were led by school technicians and other tech savvy individuals.
“Coding is the language of the future,” Lamar Elementary Library Media Specialist Diana Alfaro said. “This is a wonderful opportunity provided by our school district. By allowing our children to participate in this coding and technology camp, we are giving them a little taste of the future.”
The five-day camp concluded with a Parent Showcase on June 30.