The Harlingen High School South Speech, Drama, and Debate team competed at the Victoria East High School TFA state-qualifying tournament this past weekend in Victoria. The team earned first-place amongst 13 participating schools and won sweepstakes by more than 350 points.
Students contributing to the team’s success are as follows:
Humorous Interpretation:
Lauren Ponce 1st place
Christian Ingram 2nd place
Jessica Durant 4th place
Savannah Smith 5th place
John Duncan 6th place
Dramatic Interpretation:
Jessica Durant 2nd place
Jaime Gomez 4th place
Jessica Durant 2nd place
Isabella Connell 5th place
Duo Interpretation:
John Duncan and Jessica Durant 1st place
Nate Carney and Isabella Connell 2nd place
Christian Ingram and James Gracia 4th place
Mark Colmenares and Lauren Ponce 5th place
Jojo Decilios and Carmela Benavides 6th place
Foreign Extemp:
Miguel Dominguez 1st place
Original Oratory:
Jaime Gomez 2nd place
Stevie Rosingol 5th place
Savannah Smith 6th place
Lucero Sauceda 1st place
Jessica Durant 2nd place
John Duncan 3rd place
Joseph Decilios 4th place
Jaime Gomez 6th place
Duet acting:
Jessica Durant and Christian Ingram 1st place
Lauren Ponce and JoJo Decilios 2nd place
Jaime Gomez and James Gracia 3rd place
Isabella Connell and Nate Carney 4th place
Mark Colmenares and Carmela Benivides 5th place
Program Oral Interpretation:
Jaime Gomez 1st place
Jessica Durant 3rd place
James Gracia 4th place
Savannah Smith 5th place
Jojo Decilios 7th place
Duet improv:
Jojo Decilos and Mark Colmenares 2nd place
John Duncan and Jaime Gomez 4th place
James Gracia and Jessica Durant 5th place
Nate Carney 1st place
Savannah Smith 2nd place
Jaime Gomez 3rd place
John Duncan 4th place
James Gracia 5th place
Novice prose:
Jojo Decilios 3rd place
Lauren Ponce 4th place
Stevie Rosingol 5th place
Informative speaking:
Jojo Decilios 1st place
Lucero Sauceda 5th place