
Jefferson Elementary principal named Region One TEPSAN of the Year

Harlingen CISD is proud to announce that Jefferson Elementary Principal Kimberly McCutcheon was selected as the 2024 Region One TEPSAN of the Year by the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA).

“I have been a part of TEPSA for over ten years,” McCutcheon said. “The organization as a whole is about promoting public education and the leaders that are supporting public education, so I really feel so fortunate to have been selected as TEPSAN of the year.”

Members from the 20 TEPSA Regions across the state annually honor a colleague for their outstanding service to the association. Award recipients must be committed to advancing the principalship and the association as well as serving as a voice for Texas students. Honorees will be recognized at the TEPSA Awards Dinner June 12 at the Round Rock Kalahari.

“TEPSA is an amazing, encouraging organization that offers research-based practices and their conferences are just beneficial to my practice,” McCutcheon said. “Because of the variety they offer, I can really target the things that I need to look out for my school, for my kids.”

TEPSA, whose hallmark is educational leaders learning with and from each other, has served Texas PK-8 school leaders since 1917. Member-owned and member-governed, TEPSA has more than 5,900 members who direct the activities of more than 3 million PK-8 school children.