The Harlingen High School South Speech Drama and Debate team took home first place sweepstakes at the Texas Forensics Tournament hosted by Bishop High School on Oct. 6.
A total of 43 students competed. Students that placed in the top ten were Paige Robles, Erik Rodriguez, Chris Esparza, Devon Fierro, Collin Flemmons, Leslie Garcia, Luana Chaire, Amanda Delrio, Shania Hurtado, William Ernst, Matthew Almaguer, Matthew Cannon, Samuel Bunum, Dante Colmenares, Apdulloh Huynh, Ramiro Valdez, Jann Soto, Sawyer Warrenburg and Angel Yanez.
Over half of the students placed in the top ten in multiple events.
The team had 12 students who qualified to compete at the 2012 St. Mark’s School of Texas Invitational in Dallas later this month