HCISD is eager to participate the nation wide event, Digital Learning Day. The technology rich learning day will take place Wednesday, February 5th, 2014 and students, teachers, administrators, and staff throughout the district will be encouraged to participate.
Students and employees at HCISD are joining tens of thousands of educators and millions of students from around the country in partnering with the Alliance for Excellent Education on February 5 for the third annual national Digital Learning Day—a day of events that celebrates teachers and shines a spotlight on successful instructional technology practice in the classroom.
Digital Learning Day is a national campaign to improve teaching and learning that began in 2012. States and school districts are planning a variety of activities to promote the use of digital learning; highlighting promising practices within and among states; showcasing student work through digital learning; and conducting lesson plan contests for teachers.
As part of Digital Learning Day, HCISD’s Digital Classrooms, Information Literacy Centers, classrooms, offices, and cafeterias will be focusing on using technology to support student learning and success. Activities such as digital citizenship lessons will help students learn about the importance of being safe online. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) posters will be posted throughout the hallways to encourage students to use the technology they are provided with for classroom instructional use.
Visit www.DigitalLearningDay.org for ideas about how students, parents, administrators and others can participate. Follow the action on the Digital Learning Day Twitter page, with the #DLDay hashtag, and on the Digital Learning Day Facebook page.