The Speech, Drama, and Debate team at Gutierrez Middle School of Arts and Sciences received the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) Schools of Excellence in the Middle School Speech Challenge award, making them a Top 20 school the Nation.
The Gutierrez team took part in the Middle School Speech Challenge in early June. They competed with other students from across the Nation through an online platform. The event featured several categories that students could participate in. The top 10 or the top 10% of contestants in each category were selected as finalists.
Selection of the Top 20 schools was based on points awarded for the top two ranks in each round of the challenge.
The performances of showcase finalists will appear on the NSDA website this summer.
Please see the full results below.
Top 11 in the Nation for Dramatic Interpretation:
Catalina Cabello-Corona
Bianca Rios
Adrianna Rodriguez
Top 12 in the Nation for Humorous Interpretation:
Bianca Rios
Adrianna Rodriguez
Top 10 in the Nation for Poetry:
Catalina Cabello-Corona
Top 10 in the Nation for Program Oral Interpretation:
Adrianna Rodriguez