The students at Long Elementary are making an impact this year on the City of Harlingen by donating their time to help out around the community.
The Long Student Council was recognized at a City Commissioner’s meeting this past fall for their participation in “City Wide Trash Out Day”. Harlingen Mayor Chris Boswell presented the students with a certificate of appreciation and personally thanked them for their efforts.
While participating in the City Wide Trash out Day, the students collected trash from around Lon C. Hill Park, Casa de Amistad, and the Harlingen Field.
“I am so proud of my kids simply because this day serves as an example of their selflessness and making other children in the community happy,” said Lisa Bazan, Long teacher and Student Council Sponsor.
Their community efforts continue throughout the year as the Student Council, made up of fourth and fifth grade students, plans different projects to span from the start to the end of the school year. Bazan also plans on taking 40 of her students to The Outdoor School in Burton, Texas, during Spring Break. They are currently trying to raise funds to attend.
The Outdoor School is a school to learn and experience the values of nature. Students get the opportunity to learn about nature, themselves, and their peers while participating in fun, educational outdoor activities.