The Harlingen High School and Harlingen High School South had strong showing at their final competition of the season on Nov. 6.
The bands competed at the UIL State Marching Band competition, which was hosted by the Alamodome in San Antonio. Parents, students and administration were present to witness the HHS and HHSS receive 32nd and 37th place, respectively.
“We give our heart and soul into this. Blood, sweat, tears, and 1000 percent,” said Jacqueline Moya, HHS drum major. “We always give it our all and it’s amazing to see just how far we got with hard work.
The day was filled with anticipation as both teams prepared to take the field. Teams from across Texas were there to compete for the state title, and have been working since late July to prepare for the year’s season.
“It was very nerve racking because once they start you just have to let them go and watch it unfold, but they rose to the top and ended the season as best as they could,” said Shane Shinsato, HHSS band director.
Ronnie Rios, HHS band director, also expressed how proud he was of his students and that the students achieved so much at the highest level.
To make it to the final round, the bands had to qualify through a series of competitions. At the UIL Area Marching Contest, HHS and HHSS earned first and third, respectively. The HHSS third place ranking is the highest in the band’s history.
“Extracurricular activities take commitment and is the greatest avenue for participating students to become a high school graduate,” said Superintendent Dr. Steve Flores. “Our students are our most valuable commodity, so by making it to the UIL State Marching competition shows our students it is not only do able but can be expected.”
To see The Big Red Cardinal Band performance click here.
To see The Mighty Hawk Band performance click here.
For the HHS and HHSS Marching Band shout outs click here.