Harlingen CISD embarked on a new journey with an inaugural study abroad program. This summer, the school district initiated a pilot program, sending 11 high school students to Salamanca, Spain for a two-week immersive educational experience.
“Providing our students with global learning experiences is essential in today’s world,” said Superintendent Dr. J.A. Gonzalez. “This program not only broadens our students’ educational horizons but also prepares them to become well-rounded, culturally aware individuals ready to contribute to a diverse society.”
Students who participated in this program were enrolled at the University of Salamanca, took courses in the Spanish language and culture, and had an opportunity to participate in excursions.
“In our classes, we learned about Spanish dialect, proper grammar usage, and cultural history,” Harlingen High School senior Sarah Gutierrez said. “We visited four different cities apart from Salamanca. We visited Segovia, La Granja, Avila, and El Escorial. Each city had impressionable historical structures. We visited different palaces, museums, and cathedrals throughout Spain. One of the biggest takeaways from this studying abroad experience is how immersing myself in a different country has challenged and expanded my perspectives, helping me appreciate different ways of life.”
Students experienced college life firsthand by staying in dormitories, managing their own laundry, enjoying meals at the school cafeteria, and attending classes taught by university professors.
“My time in Salamanca can be described as transformative,” Harlingen High School South senior Robert Villarreal said. “My biggest takeaway from the study abroad experience was the deep understanding I have now to come of just how big and diverse the world is. I encountered people from all different walks of life, whether they were Spanish natives, retired radio hosts, or even other students studying abroad from various countries. These new friendships and my new understanding of cultures and diversity have instilled a deep desire to keep learning and exploring while also teaching me to appreciate and embrace people from all parts of the world.”
This study abroad opportunity will be offered next year. Applications will be open to juniors going into their senior year. Students must apply and have a valid passport to participate.
“We hope to grow the program next year,” Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education Monica Kaufmann said. “We aim to double the number of students who attend and to offer some scholarships. We hope to get the application process started in the fall to give students time to apply for the program and, to start the process of obtaining a passport if they don’t already have one.”