The Speech, Drama, and Debate team at Gutierrez Middle School of Arts and Sciences earned first place overall in the National MASQ Jr. tournament which was held virtually in May.
Results of the event are listed below.
Dramatic Interpretation
1st Place: Adrianna Rodriguez
2nd Place: Catalina Cabello-Corona
3rd Place: George Matthew Gutierrez
Duo Interpretation
2nd Place: Adrianna Rodriguez and George Matthew Gutierrez
5th Place: Azeneth Corrales and Nadia Vento
Humorous Interpretation
1st Place: Adrianna Rodriguez
2nd Place: George Matthew Gutierrez
4th Place: Bianca Mattysyn Rios
6th Place: Avery Janssen
Informative Speaking
5th Place: Catalina Cabello-Corona
1st Place: George Matthew Gutierrez
4th Place: Bianca Mattysyn Rios
6th Place: Catalina Cabello-Corona
1st Place: Adrianna Rodriguez
2nd Place: Catalina Cabello-Corona
3rd Place: Addison Ruiz
TV Commercials
2nd Place: Adrianna Rodriguez
5th Place: Alexa Trevino
Overall Top Speakers
1st Place: Adrianna Rodriguez
2nd Place: George Matthew Gutierrez
3rd Place: Catalina Cabello-Corona