September 14, 2012
To the parents of students attending Harlingen CISD:
Under the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001, a Title I, Part A-funded local education agency (LEA), or school district, that has not met adequate yearly progress (AYP) for two or more consecutive years in the same indicator (reading, mathematics, attendance rate, or graduation rate) is subject to Title I School Improvement Requirements. Based on the 2012 AYP Status released August 8, 2012, Harlingen CISD is subject to School Improvement Program (SIP) requirements for Stage 2 during the 2012-2013 school year.
The NCLB statute requires the district to notify you of this status and to provide you with the following information. Please be advised that the district has the opportunity to appeal this district improvement designation. However, the requirements described in this letter must be implemented for the entire school year, regardless of the outcome of the appeal. If an LEA that is receiving Title I, Part A funds does not meet AYP for two consecutive years for the same indicator that LEA is subject to certain SIP requirements. For additional information about the AYP definition please visit TEA’s website at .
Within three months after being identified for improvement, an LEA must develop or revise its district improvement plan in consultation with parents, school staff, and others. The district improvement plan must meet certain requirements, one of which is implementing strategies to promote effective parental involvement in the district. To view additional district improvement plan requirements, please visit this link: . If you do not have access to the internet, please call the contact person listed at the end of this letter and this information will be provided to you.
The district will be implementing the following activities to address the reasons the district has been identified for district improvement: an aligned district curriculum with support for all students; data analysis and data-driven instruction, high quality professional development, and alignment of resources to increase achievement resulting in meeting adequate yearly progress.
You may become involved in addressing the reasons the district is identified for improvement by assisting in the following ways: actively participate in meaningful parental involvement, such as serving in PTA and other district and campus committees and working with your child’s teacher(s) to monitor your child’s achievement.
If you have questions concerning this letter, would like to volunteer to help revise our district plan, or need us to provide you with paper copies of the material referenced in the web sites, please contact Michelle Everett, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, at 946-430-9506.
Dr.Steve Flores
Superintendent of Schools