
HCISD’s energy conservation leads to $69,216 check presentation


Air conditioning and lighting upgrades at various facilities and schools across the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District led to the ACR Engineering firm submitting a $69,216.96 rebate check to the Board of Trustees during the March facilities committee meeting.

ACR worked with HCISD through the American Electric Power Standard Offer Program for Energy Efficient Design to earn the rebate, which will be reinvested into additional efficiency and conservation systems to create additional long-term savings. The AEP rebate program awards schools with funding to reduce the amount of electricity required the school’s daily operations.

HCISD upgraded the air conditioning and lighting systems in three phases, starting in 2011, using money from the voter-approved 2010 $98.6 million bond program. The system upgrades went into affect at 17 HCISD facilities.

“Providing world-class schools for our students is our top priority,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Art Cavazos said. “In building world-class schools, we work diligently to be responsible with how we use taxpayer dollars. These energy efficiency programs benefit the tax payers and allow us to responsibly serve our community.”

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