
Volunteer shares passion for science with Gutierrez ACE program

Student involved in the Afterschool Centers on Education (ACE) program at Gutierrez Middle School are exploring the world of science with a true expert in the field.

Mr. Lupton, a Winter Texas from Wisconsin and a retired science teacher, is volunteering at GMS two days a week to help students develop a new perspective and passion for science during the after school program hours.

Ace is a Texas afterschool program, which provides students with assistance in their academics along with enrichment opportunities for college and the workforce.

Students are learning about a variety of science topics such as air pressure, electricity, circuit boards, sound waves and much more.

Miss Konzem, ACE coordinator of GMS says, “Mr. Lupton’s passion for science is contagious! He brings science to life and the students are really responding in a positive way. Daily, we have students asking to be part of his afterschool session.”

The ACE Program looks forward to not only work with senior volunteer in our community, but also to connect students with hands on science opportunities.



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