
HHSS student gets accepted to Young Ambassadors Program

Left: Erica Gonzalez is seen on the soccer field during the TOPs Soccer Clinic held in March.

Harlingen High School South student Erica Gonzalez was one out of 24 student nationwide to be accepted into the young ambassadors program.

The Young Ambassadors Program is a college preparatory and leadership program encouraging participants to explore various academic and career opportunities through the lens of the Latino experience.

Students with an interest in the arts, sciences, and humanities as it pertains to Latino communities and cultures are selected to travels to Washington D.C for a weeklong seminar at the Smithsonian.

Following the training seminar, students participate in a 4-week interdisciplinary internship in museums and other cultural institutions across the nation.

Earlier this year Erica hosted a Top Soccer Clinic for special needs children in the community.

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